The creator of this seed bank is called Soma and he is breeding hempseeds since the beginning of the seventies with a lot of success. Before he started his first grow and long before he started to produce his first weed seeds, Soma was working for IBM. Soma was always “bio” so he also produces his hemp strains as much as biologic as possible. If you buy Soma seeds you buy something great, Soma is one of the best and most reliable breeder of cannabis seeds on our very nice planet earth.
Soma's Sacred Seeds
Soma's Sacred Seeds
Soma's Sacred Seeds
Soma's Sacred Seeds
Soma's Sacred Seeds
Soma's Sacred Seeds
Soma's Sacred Seeds
Soma's Sacred Seeds
Soma's Sacred Seeds
Soma's Sacred Seeds
Soma's Sacred Seeds
Soma's Sacred Seeds
Soma's Sacred Seeds
Soma's Sacred Seeds
Soma's Sacred Seeds
Soma's Sacred Seeds
Soma's Sacred Seeds
Soma's Sacred Seeds
Soma's Sacred Seeds
Soma's Sacred Seeds
Soma's Sacred Seeds
Soma's Sacred Seeds
Soma's Sacred Seeds
Soma's Sacred Seeds